If your bread machine has a cake or quick bread function, you'll love this recipe. The banana bread is moist and delicious. It's also really easy to make...
These homemade hamburger buns are great for summer burgers cooked on the grill. There is one problem though. Once you've tasted these hamburger buns, there's...
I had a few extra bananas that I wanted to use up. I saw this recipe and thought I'd try it. I'm glad I did! Banana raisin bread is dense, soft and has...
Talk about comfort food, you'll love this buttermilk oatmeal bread recipe! The bread is very soft and as you eat it, you'll notice a slight buttermilk...
Talk about a crowd-pleaser! This beautiful braided bread makes a statement. The challah bread recipe makes lovely bread that is slightly sweet and nicely...
I love this French bread recipe. As you'll discover, it's really simple to make French bread with the bread machine. I use it for garlic bread, sandwiches...
Here's the thing about my cheese bread recipe, it doesn't actually taste like cheese. BUT it is very good and you won't regret making it. It has a soft,...
For years we've had pizza night once a month. The Man of The House makes the pizza dough in the bread machine. Here's the pizza dough recipe and exactly...
You'll really like this bread machine bagel recipe. The bagels are chewy and delicious. They're so much better than store-bought bagels. They're also easy...
If your bread machine has a cake or quick bread function, you'll love this recipe. The banana bread is moist and delicious. It's also really easy to make...